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Team Meeting


We are excited to share the most recent happenings and upcoming events at Lupus TZ. Here's a glimpse of what we've been working on:


Joyful Foundation
2024 Mwanamke Wa Nguvu Award

Lupus TZ founder and chairperson Irene Joel was recently awarded for her work in raising awareness in Tanzania of Lupus.

Interview with East African TV (EATV)

One hour interview with East African TV (EATV) media tour of raising awareness of this debilitating, chronic, rare & incurable disease .. Tanzania awareness is badly needed

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Lupus Marathon

In May 2022, we held a marathon for Lupus Awareness Month which took place in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

Our visit to a primary school

Our charity has made significant strides in raising awareness of lupus in Tanzania, reaching communities across the country which also include educational campaigns

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Lupus Awareness Month Event

This was our first Lupus awareness month event held in 2021. Making clear to all the mission, vision and objectives of Lupus TZ. Many speakers were in attendance and tremendous support from family and friends

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